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IGNOU hosts memorial lecture on Rabindra Nath Tagore

12 May, 2017

The Indira Gandhi National Open University’s (IGNOU) School of Humanities hosted a memorial lecture on Rabindra Nath Tagore inviting Prof. Muchkund Dubey, former ambassador and former IFS, GoI. Seeking the relevance of the teachings of Gurudev in the 20th century he said that, “we still sing his songs, we still praise his poems and his plays are still a pertinent part of our culture.” Speaking on the topic, ‘Voice of Humanity’, Prof Dubey said that, “There has been a long history of humanism in India. Its seeds were found in ved’s and shastra’s but it was Buddha who is primarily responsible for its widespread. It was after Buddha that Rabindra Nath Tagore popularized this theme of humanism. He shed light on various social issues through this theme of humanity.” The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Ravindra Kumar addressed the audience about the theme and said that, “For me, the voice of humanity would be that one thing which we get reminded of during our best or the worst time.” Prof. Malti Mathur was the convener for the lecture while Prof. Satyakam, Director, School of Humanities, delivered the welcome address.

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[Updated on 02-May-2024]